Getting Active Has No Age Limit!

This awesome article was in the Chronicle Herald on Monday, written by features writer Bill Spurr. Spurr explains how the grandmothers of the Musquodobit Harbour community strap on their bike helmets and take group rides. This is the first community to host a Bicycle Nova Scotia program aimed at encouraging seniors out on their bikes! This is a supportive and fun group co-coordinated by Lynne Pascoe who wants to ensure senior women feel confident and safe on their bikes. Lunch and learns are held afterward to increase knowledge on how to care for your bike and other cycling tips. The group has had many inquiry’s about starting their own programs, this could be a excellent opportunity for the Westville community.

The Town of Westville wants to encourage physical activity at all ages and create safe spaces for physical activity. The Trans Canada Trail is currently being build through Nova Scotian municipalities, giving cyclist a great area to ride, this is something to think about when forming cycling groups in the future.

Pictou County Bike Week is always a huge success, so why not make group biking a little more regular? For more information on bike trails check out the Active Pictou County Bike Map

To stay up to date on the progress of Trans Canada Trails in Nova Scotia check out

Leave a comment and let us know if a Westville cycling group would be something you would be interested in, we want to hear from you!

With love,

Westville Insider Team

Biking at all ages!

Guest Blogger: Daryl Ingram – Owner of Freelander Bicycles!

Hello Everyone,

My name is Daryl Ingram and I am the owner of FreeLander Bicycles, a small bicycle restoration and accessories business and a bicycle ecologist.

A bicycle ecologist is someone who has an interest in how bicycles and their human owners interact with one another and their communities. What got me started down this path was the number of bicycles I was witnessing being thrown into the landfill. In many cases good, old (vintage) bicycles that had many, many more miles left in them. These bicycles were built well and deserve to be restored. People need to recognize the environmental, social and financial value in having an existing bicycle made rideable again and actually riding it.

I have been riding for many years now and am pleased to see a renewed focus on using the bicycle for transportation and healthy living. Our municipalities have taken up the challenge of making bicycling safer and more accessible. Both Active Pictou County and the Town of Westville are currently at work creating way to increase safety and opportunity for bicycle riders in the town and county.

Getting back in the saddle

So why, you might ask, is there such an increased interest in bicycle riding? It’s because it is a well-known fact that if you want to live a happier, healthier and less stressful life, get a bicycle. In case you’re not sure where to start, here is the “light” version of how to go about it!

First of all, find a bike. This doesn’t mean rush out and buy a new one. In fact, you shouldn’t do that. If you already have one, get it out and get a basic tune-up to ensure it is safe, adjusted for comfort and is working well. If you don’t have a bike, see if you can borrow one from someone you know and have it tuned.

Find an easy gear and don’t ride fast. Start using the bicycle for short trips around town; to the post office, Foodland, Tim’s, Lawton’s, the library or to visit a friend. If you can do that ten times without getting hooked, I’d be surprised!

Dress like you would on any normal day; there is no need for spandex anything or even sweatpants. Shorts, a t-shirt, comfortable shoes and a HELMET are all you need. Don’t forget your helmet!

“Cycling” is for fitness and competition and bicycling is for pleasure and transportation (with a side order of fitness). See, smell and listen to your surroundings. Before long you’ll be looking for longer routes, rather than short cuts to run your errands.

The best challenge and opportunity for riding your bicycle however, is to take it to work. This requires some planning but the rewards are tremendous. Go for a relaxed ride on a non-work day to scout out a route. Choose the safest way first and shortest or quickest way second. If you can, construct a route along side streets or trails avoiding major car routes as much possible and your ride will be awesome. See how long it takes to get there without rushing.

BTW, the folks at Westville Recreation and Active Pictou County are doing their best to help create safe, designated bicycle routes. My experience has been that the drivers in Pictou County are more than courteous when sharing the road with bicyclists.

When you are ready to make that journey to work on your bicycle, dress as you would for work in a manner that is agreeable with bicycling. There is no need to dress for bicycling and then change for work. If you dress appropriately for the weather and don’t rush, you will arrive energized and ready to take on the day. There are several magazines now in publication that focus on bicycle fashion and riding to work dressed for work. Check out

The more you ride, the more you’ll begin thinking about the bicycle that is ideal for you. Talk to other people who ride and your local bike shops and bicycleologists to find the best bicycle for you. Then save your nickels and buy the best bicycle you can afford, stay away from department store bicycles. Your best bet is the local bicycle shop (Pictou County Cycle) or having a quality vintage bicycle restored and/or upgraded; that’s what we do.

Take Notice

If you are successful in doing the above then you probably have noticed a few things, such as:

  • it is costing you less to fill up your car
  • you feel better/healthier
  • you’re happier
  • you’re clothes are fitting better
  • you’re calmer
  • you’re beginning to make other changes in your life (e.g. eating better, buying less)
  • , etc.

However, it will probably be people taking notice of you that will be most noticeable. But remember that bicycling is something to be done for its own benefits and not for any accolades it might bring.

So there you have it. Doesn’t sound that difficult now does it? The hardest part is getting started. So my challenge to you is that within the next 24 hours after reading this blog, you start looking for a bicycle you can experiment with. Let the journey begin!

Take care,


Freelander Bike

Active Transport

We Go Faster Alone, We Go Further Together

On Tuesday afternoon I had the pleasure of attending ‘Stepping Up Nova Scotia’, the event that I attended was just one of the many ‘Step Up’ events happening around the province. At our session, the focus was on the strengths of Pictou County and what we can do as a collective community to improve Nova Scotia and make the changes we want to see actually happen.

However, it was not only about celebrating our successes, it was about identifying the barriers we need to overcome as a community. By focusing on what unites us we can help lift each other up and work towards improvements such as keeping our youth in NS.

This event aims to be one of not just talk, but action. People in attendance wanted to see action happen and made commitments to turn talk into action.

Pictou County and Nova Scotia as a whole has a very strong sense of passion and resilience. Furthermore,  our strong community and culture are the building blocks we need to build a better and brighter Pictou County! This positive community event served as as a nice reminder of the beauty of this place we get to call home.

How can we make Westville better? Let’s work together to find solutions to the challenges that affect us all.

20150616_110609With Love,

Westville Insider Team

Bike Week in Pictou County!

Tomorrow June 6th Pictou County Bike Week begins! These events are family-friendly and promote healthy living, physical activity and community bonding. Westville is proud to partake in bike week by hosting two bike week events. The first is ‘Learn to Ride for Kids’, this event is happening Saturday June 13th from 10-1130 am at the Westville Civic Building. This event is for riders ages 5-12 and it is a FREE course that gives kids the opportunity to learn new skills and teach them to ride safely and confidently! The other event happening in Westville is the Women and Girls Cycling Clinic happening the same day (June 13th) from 10-3pm at Acadia Park. This event is for all ages and is a safe environment to learn some basic cycling skills. Learn about pedaling, cornering, balancing, climbing , descending, proper gear selection and more! Make sure you bring a helmet and that your bike is in good working order.

Our recreation coordinator Sally is super excited about Bike Week and can’t wait to see everyone out participating in all these great events! You can buy an awesome Pictou County Bike week shirt for 20$, they are super bright so that you ca be easily seen by cars on the road! Safety first! Bike Week!With love,

Westville Insider Team

Encouraging Bicycle Friendly Westville!

Today in the spotlight is the Town of Westville Public Library! Your local library encourages active transportation by providing you with bicycle locks to protect your bike during your library visit. They also provide bike repair kits that library users can sign out. So go out to your local library and get that bike tuned up for the summer months!20150529_150643

With Love,

Westville Insider Team